Yonas Kristy Sanjaya : Art is everywhere.. It's about how you see it.

The artistic path Yonas Kristy Sanjaya (Jonas) sure is a curious one. Using watercolours, acrylic, and pencil on paper he knowingly explores the relationshop of humans and nature. Beautiful and frightening. Bagi saya pribadi, tiap karyanya berarti mantra. Maafkanlah ke"sotoy"an ini.. Ssst! There's something magical about his work!

Tell me about yourself, your artistic background and when did you start?
Jonas itu panggilan dari dedek2 gemes, pertama kali bersentuhan dengan seni itu waktu aku masih TK ketika mulai tertarik dengan pensil warna dan rajin bikin gambar ga jelas yang ternyata itu seni. Hal itu berlanjut terus dan yang paling aku inget ketika aku doyan nonton kartun, suka gambar figur tapi yang paling demen bikin mata hehe. Sempat berkecimpung di street art pertengahan 2006 yang sangat berpengaruh, gara gara kenal grafiti, dan it's probably what makes me better learn to understand people. Dan, masuk ke dunia seni itu semenjak udah mulai serius dijalan seni apalagi sekarang tiap hari minimal sih doodling, bahkan kalo lagi ga mood gambar kadang tetep doodling yang jadinya lebih banyak tulisan dan garis ga jelas.

If you weren’t painting, what would you do?
I read books at the thrift store, nyari-nyari majalah dewasa, kalo tidak yah, bermain sama si Gombel dan London (walaupun sekarang mereka jauh)

Art is everywhere and anything. It's about how you see it.

You works are made from variety of media. Have you ever thought of taking your work further, as in using other media?
Jika bicara medium lagi asik eksplorasi acrylic on wood, biasanya, tapi sekarang sedang menyukai eksplorasi kayu dengan lebih menggunakan alat alat tukang hehe, dan rencana mau bikin video art dan ambient media. Oh, ya selain itu juga saya sering menggabungkan drawing, collage, dan liquid transfer.

If anyone asked you what art is for you, how would you desribe it?
Art is everywhere, it's about how you see it. Just like breath, you can obtain it from anywhere, and sometimes you just need to hang out and play hard with you friend (especially girl for me) Haha.

Which word desribes you the best?
*(I think he's aware of it. Hihi)

Are you working on any current projects?
Some of. Temukan Indonesiamu, Aqua project. Dan kebetulan sedang sibuk project RAR Funzine #4 dan project kecil si Stickeractive.

If you could wake up in a different place tomorrow, where would it be and what would you do?
Where would it be? It will be your room and says "Oh, shit what am I doing last night"

Who would you like to kiss?
Chloe Grace Moretz and Hatuka Mei!

Thankyou, Jonas!

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